ELA - Annotation Logs

                Name: _______________________________               Hour: _____________

Reading Log and Reading Notes (Annotations)

To be an active/analytical reader, it is important that you practice reading comprehension and analysis strategies in every text you read. To show that you are continually practicing/applying the various reading strategies we are working on this year, you will keep track of reading notes on this annotations sheet.



Pages (Start/stop) and total #

Text evidence for analysis/ response (Specific w/ page #)

Analysis strategy used



































Pages (Start/stop) and total #

Text evidence for analysis/ response (Specific w/ page #)

Analysis strategy used














































Annotations/Reading Log Standards


Proficiency Score

RL.7.1.- Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.



RL.7.2.- Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.



RL.7.3.-Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot).



RL.7.4.- Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings




Followed ALL directions/met requirements for quantity and topic




RL.7.10.- By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. (Not scored)


Raw score = _______/5                                          Average Score = _______ out of 4


4.0-3.6 =         20 points                    3.5-3.2 =         18 points

3.1-2.7 =         16 points                    2.6-2.2 =         14 points

2.1-1.6 =         12 points                    1.5 & less =   10 points



Total Points Earned __________/20

Standards-Based Grading Proficiency Scale

As our current grade book is set up, ALL proficiency scores will have to be translated into a percent-based score. However, the feedback given on individual assignments, especially assessments will also include a 4 point system to identify your level of mastery of specifically identified learnign standards. This information can be used to better identify your strengths and struggles, so we can better support your learning.



Status toward MASTERY




Excellent progress toward MASTERY of the standard


·         Consistently demonstrates excellent growth towards the standard

·         Shows in-depth understanding of concepts & skills included

·         Applies the concepts independently

·         Can extend the concepts and skills beyond immediate task

·         Equivalent to 90-100% (A)


Steady progress toward MASTERY of the standard


·         Demonstrates steady growth towards the standard

·         Shows solid understanding of concepts & skills included

·         Attempts to apply the concepts independently, but requires support

·         Equivalent to 80-89% (B)


Limited (but developing)progress toward MASTERY of the standard


·         Demonstrates limited growth towards the standard

·         Shows partial/incomplete understanding of concepts & skills included

·         Applies the concepts independently, but may require support

·         Equivalent to 70-79% (C)


Minimal (little to no) progress toward MASTERY of the standard


·         Demonstrates minimal growth towards the standard

·         Has difficulty understanding concepts & skills included

·         Unable to apply the concepts independently

·         Equivalent to 69% or below (D/F)